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Protest materials 'Stop Trump' 2018

Updated: Jan 5, 2020

Protest materials

For this brief I chose to design protest material for the protest group "Stop Trump" who are opposed to Donald Trump visiting the UK. They want the material to support their views and they need to be usable for the protest.

Went about this brief like the others. I first research who “Stop Trump” were, I collected some of the information about who they were, what the do and the reasons to stop trump from visiting the UK from their website, and stores this onto Microsoft word. I then collected images of trump and anti trump protest material then created a mood board. By looking at previous protest material I decided to create a slogan which I could have with my material, therefore I jotted down a few words which rhymed or sounded anti trump. The slogan I decided to choose was dump trump. From this I decided to look for images such as the poop emoji to collect ideas on the shape of my trump character. I sketched out different designs and once I was happy I created a logo containing the character and slogan on adobe illustrator. To design the flyer, I looked at the colour scheme of the UK flag colours and thought I’d use the UK flag as a boarder. I enjoyed this brief the most and feel as if the logo could be used to create stickers and badges.

If I had more time I would have designed more materials such as a poster or even create mock-ups of t-shirt designs using the logo.

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